Birthday Wishes For Son
A special son deserves a special birthday, so choose a birthday wish that will show how much you love him and how proud you are to be his parent. You know that you will love your son no matter what, so use his special day to show him that he is an irreplaceable part of your life. This is a collection of general birthday wishes for sons from mothers or fathers, designed to help you find the right way to let him know how important and amazing he is and to help make his special day a bit more special.
I am so very grateful that you are my child
Happy birthday! You’ll always be my sweet little baby boy
The day you were born was a day to celebrate! We love you so much!
Today is your special day, my little guy. Have a wonderful birthday
I’m so glad that God gave me a son like you. Happy birthday, son!
Happy birthday my Son. It’s your day! Time to celebrate and enjoy your day!
We’re so lucky to have such a great son like you. Happy birthday, dear son!
You make us so happy and proud every day with all the things you do. Happy Birthday, dear son.
Have a happy and healthy birthday my dear son! Hope your day is as wonderful as you are.
We may not be perfect parents but we are lucky to have a perfect son. Happy birthday, son!
Happy birthday my precious son! You are loved, today, tomorrow, and always.
You make each year brighter and you continue to illuminate our lives with your smile and your kind heart. Happy birthday my son!
Your birthday brings happy memories and a reminder of how you continue to bring joy to our lives. Happy birthday wishes for my son!
You will always be my sunshine, my little angel. Your mother loves you so much! Happy birthday son from mom!
Happy Birthday, Son! We’ve watched you grow into an amazing man. May the year ahead continue to exceed your expectations!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SON! Son, you might be a year older, but you are also a year wisher.
Happy Birthday To My Wonderful Son. No matter how big you get or how far you go, I’ll always be here, right beside you.
Happy Birthday. Son, my birthday wish for you is that each year brings you: more wisdom; more dreams; more laughter; and more wishes.
Happy birthday, my little sunshine.
You were a beautiful baby, but you keep getting more and more handsome as you grow up!
I am so proud of you and what a kind, gentle young man you’re becoming. You’re the best son any mother could ask for!
Have a fantastic birthday my sweet boy, and enjoy your celebrations!
My dear son, I carried you around in my tummy for 9 long months, so for me, your birthday each year is a celebration of when that finally came to an end!
Each year I grow ever more proud of you, and this year is no different!
Wishing you a wonderful birthday, the best yet! Big kisses to you, my boy!
Son Happy Birthday. The road ahead of you holds endless possibilities!
Happy Birthday. Sending my wonderful son a hug, lots of love, and wishing you loads of fun!
If I look at everything in my life, you’re easily the best part of it. Through thick and thin, you’ve been an extraordinary son and a wonderful man. Happy birthday, son!
Words are simply not enough to express how amazing I feel to have you as my son. I love you. You make my life complete. Happy birthday, son!
Dear son, when u feel that life is giving you such a hard time, just come to me and I will give you a hug. No matter how old I’ll become, for me, u will always be my little son.
Dear son, u are the only reason we look forward to life with a smile and u will be the only reason we look back on life with a smile. Happy birthday my son.
Our whole world can be summed up in just 3 letters – SON. Happy birthday.
Dear beloved son, u are one in a billion and believe this throughout our life. Happy birthday!
On ur birthday I wish that I could stop time. Not only to keep u with me forever but so that I can stop feeling so old! Happy birthday to my son who at least makes me feel young at heart.
When u were born, I couldn’t even fathom how much u did come to mean to me. May your special day be filled with untold splendor. Happy birthday!
Regardless of the situation life brings, u shall always find us beside you. Happy birthday!
A son like you gives us reason to be proud and happy! Happy birthday! Thanks for being you, my son.
A special message from mom and dad: We are so thankful that God gave us a boy like you. We love you.
You grow wiser with each passing year. Soon, you’ll be as smart as your mother. Happy birthday, son!
Happy Birthday. I wish you all the happiness your heart can hold. Here’s to another great year of life!
I just wish that you get whatever you desire in life, Always stay blessed, wish you a very happy birthday!
Let lοve and peace stay Βy your side. Get you Αll what you need Αnd shower you with lοts of joy. Happy Βirthday!
Son, you’re our greatest blessing. May your birthday and all your tomorrows be blessed with everything good in life!
Wish you many many happy returns of the day. May God bless you with health, wealth, and prosperity in your life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!.
Every day I thank God for giving me an incredible child. I am so proud of you. Best birthday wishes for my son!
Thank you for being such a great son. I am truly proud of you. Happy birthday!
You are a treasure from above, who brings me so much joy and love. Happy birthday, son!
You are my pride and joy, a man after my own heart. Happy birthday, son!
Every day you find a way to bring a smile to my face and happiness to my heart. Happy birthday my dearest son!
My love and adoration for you are endless, you will be forever cherished. Happy birthday my son!
Happy Birthday to the best song ever! You’re totally rad and you know it! Go celebrate. Have all the fun, and remember we love you so much!
Happy Birthday, Son. May you always know joy. May you always choose hope. May you always feel loved no matter where in this great, big, beautiful world you roam.
Happy Birthday To My Wonderful Son. With every passing year, I grow more and more amazed by the man you’ve become. You are a joy to my life and so many others. Enjoy today to the fullest.
To My Dear Son Happy Birthday. You came into my life with a bang and nothing has ever been the same! I can’t imagine life without you, and am so proud and blessed to call you my son and my friend.
As you blow the candle on ur cake, just remember that ur Luv is like the candle that will forever glow in our hearts. Happy birthday, Son.
Dear son, you are the very reason why we look forward to life. You are also the reason why there is always a smile on our faces. We love you! Happy Bday!
Happy birthday, son. You r a charming person and v are definitely proud as well as lucky to have you in our life.
We’re so fortunate to have a fantastic son like u. You’ve always been a beacon of light for us. Happy birthday, son!
Dear son, I wish this birthday will be followed by many such happy and beautiful occasions. My love and best wishes will always be with u! Wish you a very happy birthday!
Since the day you were born u have brought nothing but meaning and joy into my life. You r a fantastic son, and I feel so fortunate to be ur parent. Happy birthday!
There are so many ways to wish you a happy birthday but it all boils down to this. I love u with all my heart. Happy Birthday, from ur mother.
Many times I was alarmed when u were far from me. A mothers’ job is full of worries. But above all my job is to Luv u till the end of time! Happy birthday, my loved one!
Happy birthday, my very special son.
As your father, there is only one thing I wish to say on your special day this year, and that is that I am immensely proud of you beyond words.
You continue to fill my heart with pride simply by being the bright boy that you are.
I’m wishing you many more wonderful years on this promising path that you have set for yourself.
Happy birthday, my dear son.
Remember, always follow your dreams and never give up even when things get tough. I always have and always will believe in you.
Everybody says it, you’re a mini version of me, son! I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing, but I certainly love that people see us as such similar characters!
I like to think that you inherited all of the good traits, as I see nothing but perfection in you. You make me prouder each and every day.
Keep doing what you’re doing, and keep developing into the beautiful person that you are!
Always be happy, my dear boy, and I hope that you have a really great birthday!
Hope your special day brings you all that your heart Desires here is wishing you a day full of pleasant surprises happy birthday
May your day be filled with blessings Like the sun that lights the sky and may you always have the courage to spread your wings and fly.
May your Birthday, bring loads of joyful and sweet memories to your life. May you have a great and successful year ahead. Happy Birthday!
Words are simply not enough to express how amazing I feel to have you as my son. I love you. You make my life complete. Happy birthday, son!
Son, you are a shining example of everything that’s right in this world. May your future be as bright, starting with your special day. Happy birthday!
Dear son, you are like a prince to us. May you have a great year and glorious life ahead. We are always with you. I wish you a very Happy Birthday.
A wonderful person always has a wonderful life. And, so shall you. We are always there for you, my Son. Wish you a very happy and sweet birthday.
Happy Birthday. To My Fantastic Son! Throughout the years you have made me so proud of who you have become. Thank you for being so wonderful. Have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday. No matter who you celebrate with, make sure to have the best time ever! Wishing for you a fun and exciting day, son. I love you very much!
Happy Birthday. You’re smart, funny, thoughtful, and best of all, a terrific son! I wish you a great day filled with presents and great desserts.
Happy Birthday To You. To My Dearest Son! Sending birthday wishes your way on this very important day, along with the hope for a bright and positive year ahead!
Happy Birthday, Son! Sending love and special birthday wishes your way to make sure you have a spectacular day! Hoping you enjoy your birthday and the dessert too!
I have such sweet memories of you as a child, but I have faith that your future will hold even sweeter ones. I hope ur cake is half as sweet as u are. Happy birthday, son.
You r a miracle that happened to us, a miracle that’s 1 in a billion. Wishing u a very happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, my boy! Have fun today, you’re the person of honor!
Our beloved son, thank you for bringing a smile to our faces every day. We hope that your birthday will bring a smile to yours as well! Best Bday!
Happy birthday, Son. Stay happy, healthy, and blessed on ur special day…and every day of the year.
Happy birthday dear son, on this day I want to assure u to shower you with unending love and affection throughout my life.
Thank u for letting us be the best parents v can be, just by being yourself — a wonderful, wonderful boy.
Loving u is our greatest joy. u make it so easy. Happy birthday, dear!!
Happy Birthday, Son! We have watched u grow into an amazing man. May the year ahead continue to exceed your expectations.
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